Facility Rules and Regulations

Alcoholic Beverages
- Bringing alcoholic beverages into the Facility, and on the surrounding property, is prohibited other than through MECA’s exclusive Catering and Concession Operators.
- MECA reserves the right to confiscate any outside alcoholic beverages brought into the facility for consumption.
- MECA reserves the right, at its sole discretion, to suspend alcoholic beverage sales at any time during a licensed event.
- Intoxicated patrons will not be admitted into the Facility at any time and are subject to ejection.
- Patrons may not exit the Facility with alcoholic beverages.
- The Facility is a public Facility and is subject to Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). The Facility is accessible to disabled patrons, as required by the ADA and applicable regulations.
- The Licensee is responsible for making aisles, exhibits, displays, meetings, etc., accessible to qualified individuals with a disability attending the event with respect to setup, location of exhibits on the exhibit floor, paths of travel, and other aspects of the event within the Licensee or one of the Licensee’s exhibitors’ control.
- The Licensee must include a notice in the Licensee’s event advertising, and/or publicity releases, stating that disabled patrons should notify the Licensee and MECA at least one week prior to the Licensee’s event should a reasonable accommodation be needed.
- MECA will use its best efforts to assist the Licensee in identifying local providers of temporary auxiliary aids and services, although the Licensee will remain ultimately responsible for identifying and contracting with such providers.
- If the Licensee fails to arrange for a reasonably requested temporary auxiliary aid or service, MECA management shall have the right, but not the obligation, to provide or arrange for such temporary auxiliary aid or service and the Licensee must reimburse MECA the cost of providing and arranging for such temporary auxiliary aid or service as determined by MECA.
Animals or Pets
- Except for service animals and animals used as part of a MECA approved exhibit or activity, no animals or pets are permitted in the Facility.
- Approved animals in the Facility must be on a leash, within a pen, or under similar control. The Licensee assumes full responsibility for any approved animal.
- Additional cleaning required within the Facility or the surrounding areas due to an animal exhibit will be at the expense of the Licensee.
Audio & Visual
Cash-Free Venue
The Facility is a cash-free venue. All ticketing, concessions, bars and retail locations require the use of debit, credit or prepaid cards. The Facility is equipped with cash-to-card kiosks to convert cash to a prepaid VISA card that can be used anywhere VISA is accepted (inside and outside the Facility.)
CBD (Cannabidiol)
Cannabidiol brought into the Facility for sale or distribution must adhere to Nebraska statues. Neb. Rev. Stat. Ann § 28-463 sets that limit as not more than .3% (three-tenths of one percent) tetrahydrocannabinols (THC) by weight. Product must be in the form of a liquid or solid dosage.
Concessions, Catering, and Merchandise
Food and beverage service includes, but is not limited to, the sale of beverages (alcoholic or otherwise), food items, and non-event related souvenirs, programs, and novelties.
The Licensee will not be allowed to sell, give away, or distribute samples of any food or beverage items without written permission from the Catering and Concession Operators. Upon agreement of both parties, the Catering and Concession Operators shall issue a Sample Food and Beverage Distribution Authorization Agreement. If an agreement is issued and the approved location for the sampling is within a carpeted area of the facility, the Licensee is responsible for ensuring that the facility carpet is protected (for example, plastic or remnant carpet under the vendor). Additionally, Licensee is responsible for ensuring that all cooking devices meet the regulations outlined below in the HAZARDOUS MATERIALS section.
The Licensee will not be allowed to sell the rights for food and beverage service or authorize samples within the Facility to a third party without the prior written permission from the Catering and Concession Operators. Food and beverage service includes the sale or sampling of any food or beverage items that, by their nature, lend themselves to consumption on property. If such sales or sampling by a third party is approved, such third party will be required to sign an agreement with the Catering and Concession Operators and provide the required insurance coverage no later than thirty (30) days prior to the start of the event. If permission is given and the approved location for the service and/or sampling is within a carpeted area of the facility, the Licensee is responsible for ensuring that the facility carpet is protected (for example, plastic or remnant carpet under the vendor). Additionally, Licensee is responsible for ensuring that all cooking devices meet the regulations outlined below in the Hazardous Materials section.
No food or beverage will be allowed to be brought into the Facility by any individuals, including attendees, participants, exhibitors, or employees, subcontractors, or representatives of Licensee, without written permission from MECA. This still applies when the show promoter/Licensee does not provide food and beverage during their move-in/move-out or event.
Elevators & Escalators
- All equipment shall be transported utilizing the freight elevators (carts, pallets, etc.). Freight elevators are to be operated by MECA staff. (12,000 lbs. maximum)
- No equipment may be transported on escalators. This includes easels, chairs, tables, wheelchairs, strollers, coolers, and other similar items.
- Under no circumstances are public passenger elevators to be used for transporting equipment or exhibit materials.
Equipment Rental
- Rental equipment and rates are available upon request.
- All MECA equipment will be operated and set up by authorized MECA personnel.
- Tables, chairs, risers, etc., in excess of rental agreement will be made available at applicable rates and inventory limits.
- A labor charge will be assessed for any room or area changeover after the initial room or area set-up.
Event Personnel
- All event personnel, such as show and services contractor staff, exhibitor appointed contractors, temporary help, exhibitors, and other workers affiliated with an event held within the Facility, must enter and exit by way of the security entrance or by way of the MECA designated “show entrance”.
- All event personnel working in the Facility must display MECA-approved identifying credentials or badge.
- Restricted areas of the Facility labeled “Authorized Personnel Only” are restricted to all persons except those authorized by MECA.
- Show managers and service contractors are responsible for the conduct of their personnel, exhibitors and subcontractors, and for any damages caused by such personnel while in the Facility. Loud or profane language and disorderly conduct is not permitted at any time. MECA reserves the right, at its sole discretion, to remove individuals who create a nuisance or violate established policies or procedures.
Exclusive Services
- Food and beverage
- Telecommunications service (telephone, internet, etc.)
- Event staff (ushers, badge checkers, crowd managers, uniformed police officers, ticket sellers, and ticket takers, overnight security staff)
- Utility services (including house electric, water, HVAC, compressed air, and natural gas.)
- On the meeting room level of CHI Health Center Omaha, electrical and telecommunications are the only available utility services and connections are limited in type, location, and quantity.
- Maintenance (for the set-up/tear-down of MECA equipment and general facility housekeeping; charges will apply for change-overs, additional requested housekeeping, etc.)
- Medical/first aid
- Rigging services
- Parking
- Stagehands (see your Event Coordinator regarding stagehand needs.)
Exterior Doors
Face Masks and Coverings
The following directives do not apply to medical type masks or face coverings, which are widely permissible in MECA’s facilities. In general, the use of costume masks that may conceal or obscure an individual’s identity is prohibited at CHI Health Center Omaha. However, in an event where costumery is imperative to the occasion or situation, a costume mask must be removed as an attendee enters the building and/or passes through mandatory security screenings. The mask may be reapplied when guests or patrons enter into the event’s contracted space, where security has been made previously aware that such items may be in use. Advanced notice should be provided to CHI Health Center Omaha that costumery may be a consideration when planning an event on premises.
Fire and Safety Regulations
- Floor plans must be submitted to MECA for review in accordance with the date set forth in Exhibit A of the License Agreement. MECA will have them approved by the City of Omaha Fire Inspections Department, if applicable.
- All floor plans/facility description must clearly indicate a minimum of two (2) freightfree aisles, one running North to South and one running East to West. Freight-free aisles in exhibit hall(s) must be clearly designated.
- All floor plans must have the following information clearly indicated:
- Name and date(s) of event
- Name of area(s) to be used
- Location of all exits
- Aisle widths with number and dimensions of booths
- Areas that will be carpeted
- Location and dimensions of entrance headers or kiosks
- Registration location and set-up
- Location of booths utilizing natural gas
- Guidelines for acceptable floor plans are as follows:
- Aisles must be a minimum of ten (10) feet in width
- All fire hoses and extinguisher cabinets must be visible at all times
- All electrical panels must be accessible at all times
- All permanent concession stand areas in the exhibit halls must have a minimum 30’ x 25’ clearance at all times
- All points of ingress and egress must have a minimum of twenty (20)feet clear space on all sides
- Any booths requesting the use of natural gas should be located next to acolumn where a natural gas hook-up is available.
- Such sites are subject to inspection by the Omaha Fire Marshal prior to show opening (also see HAZARDOUS MATERIALS section below).
- MECA reserves the right to deny natural gas connection to booths that are not located next to columns, requiring public aisles to be crossed to make the connection, or displays that are deemed unsafe.
- No portion of the sidewalks, entries, passageways, doors, aisles, elevators, vestibules, or ways of access to the public utilities of the Facility will be permitted to be obstructed or used for any purpose other than ingress and egress, nor will any windows, ventilators, or lighting fixtures be obstructed.
- The use of public areas (lobbies, hallways, etc.) for event activities or displays must be approved by MECA. If approved, floor plans of those areas must be submitted for review in accordance with the date set forth in Exhibit A of the License Agreement. MECA prohibits any motorized vehicles or trailer from being displayed outdoors on the convention center front apron and the arena plaza.
- MECA personnel will review the proposed plan for general conformance to the License Agreement and MECA Rules and Regulations. Licensee will provide any additional planning information MECA requests for its review of plans. MECA may be required to make changes in Licensee’s proposed plans to attain the safe and orderly operation of the Facility, compliance with the License Agreement and MECA Rules and Regulations, and coordination of the use of common areas by Licensee and other users. The Licensee may not make material changes to its proposed plans submitted to MECA without MECA’s prior written consent. The Licensee shall conduct its event in the Facility in substantial compliance with the plans approved by MECA.
- MECA will not accept any freight shipments prior to the License Agreement movein/setup date(s), unless approved in writing by MECA. If any freight arrives at MECA managed facilities prior to the show move-in day, the shipment may be refused or transferred to MECA’s preferred shipping company and the shipper will incur storage and delivery fees at their standard charge rates. Contact information for package(s) must be clearly labeled on the exterior of the package(s) as follows:
CHI Health Center Omaha
Name of event, date of event
Phone Number
C/o Name of Show Manager, Licensee, Service Contractor or Drayage
455 North 10th Street
Omaha, NE 68102If this information is not clearly visible, the package(s) may be refused rather than transferred to MECA’s preferred shipping company, even if the package(s) has arrived within the dates of the License Agreement.
- To avoid potential shipment refusal, prior arrangements are to be made with a service contractor or drayage company to handle freight requirements. Any freight arriving at MECA managed facilities on the show move-in day without a service contractor or drayage company specified, will be handled by MECA’s preferred shipping company. The shipper will incur handling fees at their standard charge rates.
- All materials, equipment or freight, sent to the Facility during contracted move-in must be clearly marked to indicate the intended receiver and the name of the event (as shown above in bullet “a”).
- Registration materials, handout literature, or event-related equipment such as furniture rental, plants, special decorations, etc., should be directed to the attention of the show manager or official service contractor.
- MECA will not accept C.O.D. deliveries.
- All materials, equipment and/or freight are to be delivered and removed at the loading dock or event-related entrance, as designated by MECA.
Hazardous Materials
- Before, during, and after the Licensee’s event, the Licensee and its exhibitors must handle, transport, remove, and dispose of all hazardous materials (including, but not limited to, open flames, gasoline, hazardous waste, medical waste, hazardous, toxic, and/or regulated substances) in a safe, proper, and lawful manner.
- The Licensee must notify MECA at least 90 days prior to the first day of the License Period if the Licensee, one of its exhibitors, or one of its service contractors intends to bring hazardous materials in, on, or about the Facility during the License Period. The Licensee must also provide to MECA a copy of the applicable Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) for such hazardous material. MECA may also require the Licensee to implement a plan for handling any releases or threats of release of such hazardous material in, on, under, or about the Facility.
- MECA and the City of Omaha Fire Inspections Office must approve the use of any hazardous materials. Examples of these include welding materials, saws (wet and dry), lasers, cooking grease, natural gas, combustible materials such as hay bales, and all heat sources used for cooking and heater demonstrations. Liquid propane is not allowed in the building. The use of butane must be approved in advance by MECA. Appropriate safety shields and/or other protection must be utilized in all cases where sparks, splashes, etc. could cause injury to bystanders. Material specific fire extinguishers must be present for all hazardous materials.
- Exhibits with an open flame (fireplace, fire pit, tiki torch, etc.) must order natural gas directly through MECA’s exhibitor services in advance of the show move-in. Exhibits requiring natural gas should be placed at or very near to columns within the exhibit hall (see also Fire and Safety Regulations section above). Exhibitors will be required to have noncombustible, rigid, safety guards in order to isolate the open flame from other combustible materials and maintain a minimum of a 30” separation between the open flame and the public/bystanders.
- All cooking devices will be required to have noncombustible, rigid, splash guards in order to isolate the cooking devices from other combustible materials and the public. These splash guards shall be of a noncombustible material approved by MECA in accordance with the Bureau of Fire Prevention. All splash guards shall be strategically placed to protect all draperies, other combustibles, flammable exposures, and the public.
- All deep-fat fryers, grills and other cooking devices shall be U.L. or F.M. approved and of good commercial quality. All electrical cords to power these devices shall be of commercial grade and in good repair.
- All exhibitors using the larger style, commercial grade grills and deep-fat fryers shall be equipped with fixed automatic fire protection equipment. These systems shall have been installed, serviced, and tagged as well as maintained by a recognized fire equipment dealer. Examples of equipment requiring this protection: all deepfat fryers, donut fryers, funnel cake fryers, etc. Failure of any exhibitor to meet the above criteria will result in immediate discontinuation of all cooking operations in that particular exhibitor’s booth.
- Exhibitors shall be allowed to have a maximum of two 12” X 12” electric skillets for cooking at the back of their booths. Oil depth shall be limited to one eighth of an inch. This type of cooking shall be limited to heating of food products and stir fry type cooking. Each booth with this type of cooking shall be equipped with a highly visible 2A10BC portable fire extinguisher near these cooking devices.
- It shall be the responsibility of the licensee to meet with the MECA Event Coordinator at a minimum of thirty days (30) prior to the move-in of the event to establish these requirements. The intent of this matter is to strategically locate the higher hazard items in a part of the building that in the event of a fire, fire suppression forces would have easy access to this equipment. This meeting will also identify any necessary permits associated with the use/presence of the hazardous materials to ensure compliance with the City of Omaha Fire Inspections Office.
- Sites with hazardous materials are subject to inspection by the Omaha Fire Marshal prior to the show opening. Passing inspection is required for the show to open. Any items failing inspection will need to be adjusted to obtain Omaha Fire Marshal approval or be removed from the premises before the show will be allowed to open. In applicable cases, the non-passing item(s) may be allowed to remain on the show floor, but shut off during the open show hours. Arrangements to make adjustments during non-show hours to achieve Omaha Fire Marshal approval or remove the item from the premises must be made with the MECA Event Coordinator.
- All required permits and related fees are the responsibility of the Licensee to obtain by working with their MECA Event Coordinator.
Information Technology Services
- Telephone Service
- All lines provide for unlimited local calling.
- Domestic (US) long distance calls will be billed at the prevailing per minute rate. International calling is available by contacting the MECA Information Technology Department unless otherwise negotiated. International calls will also be billed at the prevailing per minute rate.
- A non-refundable deposit will be required in advance for long distance access.
- Exhibitors requesting long distance service must have a credit card on file with the Service Desk prior to service being activated. Any long distance charges incurred in excess of the deposit will be charged to this credit card at the end of the show.
- MECA is not responsible for incompatibility issues with customer or third party equipment.
- Internet Service
- Due to the shared nature of the Facility’s broadband internet service, MECA will not be responsible for the security or loss of data, nor does MECA provide any kind of Anti-Virus solution on a private or shared network/VLAN. Private connections such as dedicated VLANs are available and listed on the order form.
- An Intrusion Detection System (IDS) is utilized to monitor the Facility network. Any Exhibitor found attempting to gain access to unauthorized network resources will be disconnected immediately and subject to removal from the building.
- Wireless networks are strictly forbidden without the express written permission of MECA. If an unauthorized wireless network is found, MECA reserves the right to disconnect the device in order to prevent service disruption to customers utilizing the Facility.
- MECA is not responsible for incompatibility issues with customer or third party equipment.
High-Speed Internet connectivity provided at the Facility includes web browsing and internet e-mail. Other services (i.e. VPN, Video/Audio Conferencing, Corporate E-Mail access, etc.) must be requested, configured, and tested at least two (2) business days prior to the date that the event moves in. Please contact the Information Technology Department with any questions or to request additional services.
Insurance Requirements
Keys and Lock Changes
- Requests for keys or lock changes should be made through the Event Coordinator. All keys must be returned on the final day of the event/move-out.
- The number of keys issued, number of lock changes, and locks eligible for change are at the sole discretion of MECA.
- Under no circumstances are keys to be duplicated.
- A fee will be charged for unreturned keys.
Loading Docks
- Authorized MECA personnel will operate all MECA equipment. No persons may authorize the use or transportation of any equipment, furnishing, or other article which is the inventoried property of MECA, for any group, organization, or party of any description or type whatever, to any place or places outside the immediate confines of the Facility.
- Service contractors are required to provide all equipment needed for the handling of freight.
- The Licensee or Licensee’s service contractor is required to ensure that all equipment operated in the Facility does not drip oil or any other staining solutions. Any vehicle that drips oil or staining solutions will be removed immediately from the Facility.
- No one, other than designated persons of the official service contractor(s) for the Licensee’s event, are authorized to operate any motorized cart, lift equipment, etc., of such service contractor in the Facility.
- Any person(s) operating motorized equipment must have a valid driver’s license.
- Excavators, dozers, tractors or similar equipment with steel and/or metal tracks or wheels are prohibited inside the facility. Also prohibited is the use of loader buckets with teeth and/or grapple attachments. The sole exception to this policy is the display of such items within an exhibit (such as antique tractors with steel, iron, or similar metal wheels) and in those occasions, MECA approval is required a minimum of 30 days prior to the show.
- Licensee will be charged for any and all costs incurred for cleaning and/or repairs due to damages caused by the Licensee’s staff, Licensee’s service contractors, vendors, and/or exhibitors’ equipment being operated within the Facility and on the MECA grounds (including loading docks and parking lots). Licensee shall reimburse MECA for any replacement costs of property that is damage beyond repair.
- Under no circumstances is motorized equipment or vehicles to be operated on any areas in the Facility or in the pedestrian area in front of the Facility, other than the exhibit halls, without written approval from MECA Management.
- Exhibitor/Vendor vehicles are not permitted inside the Facility for loading/unloading without the prior authorization of MECA management.
- Motorized equipment and/or Vehicles which are part of a display will be allowed in the Facility, after conforming with all fire/safety and regulations which include:
- Specific area for vehicles is identified on the floor plan.
- The engine will not be operated when the building is occupied.
- A maximum of 5 gallons of fuel per vehicle or piece of motorized equipment when entering the building.
- The fuel fill cap is secured with a lock-type or securely taped with a material that is non-petroleum soluble.
- The battery cables are disconnected from the battery and the battery terminal will be securely covered.
- The motorized equipment and/or vehicle will be securely locked when unattended.
- An approved fire extinguisher will be located in the immediate vicinity.
- The Fire Marshal’s Office may inspect motorized equipment and/or vehicles prior to the building being opened to the general public.
- Motorized equipment and/or Vehicles displayed on MECA’s carpeted areas must have a protective barrier under the vehicle (plastic or something similar), including beneath the tires.
- All required precautionary measures, permits, and related fees are the responsibility of the Licensee to obtain by working with their MECA Event Coordinator.
- Licensee will be charged for any and all costs incurred for cleaning and/or repairs due to damages caused by displays. Licensee shall reimburse MECA for any replacement costs of property that is damage beyond repair.
- Use of hover boards, segways, and drones is prohibited in the Facility unless approved by MECA prior to the event.
- Parking motorized equipment or vehicles in the pedestrian area in front of the Facility is prohibited.
Non Smoking Policy
Objectionable Conduct
Parking Lot Guidelines
- Parking is on a first-come, first-serve basis in designated lots.
- Tailgating is permitted in all MECA controlled parking lots. Tailgate festivities cannot extend into additional parking spaces.
- Holding or saving parking spaces is not permitted.
- Drive lanes in the parking lots must be kept clear at all times.
- No overnight parking in any MECA controlled parking lot unless approved in advance by MECA management.
- ADA parking is available in all MECA controlled parking lots.
- Staking of tents is NOT permitted in the parking lots or lawn areas of the parking lots. Tents may be anchored with weights.
- Consumption of alcohol or open containers of alcohol is prohibited.
- Commercial advertising banners or signs are prohibited.
- Distribution of promotional items or other forms of solicitation are not permitted.
- Any equipment (chairs, tents, grills, etc.) left overnight will be disposed of.
- No grills are to be left unattended at any time.
- Personal golf carts, segways, skateboards, scooters, hover boards, and drones are not allowed in MECA controlled parking lots.
- MECA reserves the right to revoke any parking pass of those who do not comply with any parking guidelines.
Search and Seizure
- The location and method of installation of any special decorations or signs must be approved by MECA prior to installation.
- Under no circumstances are helium balloons or adhesive-backed decals to be given away or permitted to be used in the Facility.
- Tabletop Décor – All candles must be enclosed in a non-combustible, leak-proof container that does not transfer heat. The container must be 3” above the flame.
- Cut trees are not permitted unless they have a root ball at the base of the tree and are specifically approved by MECA.
- Hay bales or other similar combustible décor must be sprayed with fire retardant and inspected by the Fire Marshall prior to the building opening to the public.
- The use of glitter is prohibited in the Facility. The use of confetti or streamers must be approved in advance by MECA. If approved, Licensee will be charged for cleaning directly resulting from the use of such decorations.
- Cotton candy machine use is prohibited in the CHI Health Center Omaha Convention Center. Snow cone makers and the use of dry ice shall require a protective floor covering in the working area of these machines and/or products (Also see CONCESSIONS, CATERING, AND MERCHANDISE).
- Game themed activities may require precautionary measures to protect the Facility and its patrons.
- Banners or signage may not be attached, adhered or displayed by other methods to the exterior of the Facility or anywhere on MECA grounds (including parking lot fencing, light poles, etc.) without prior approval from MECA Management.
- Interior banners and signage must have MECA management approval 30 days prior to first contracted move-in day of the event.
- Banners and signage that require attachment to “I-beams” or other structural areas of the facility and/or signage requiring use of a lift must be hung by MECA staff. Depending on the type of signage, MECA may defer to our exclusive rigging services provider.
- The Licensee will be invoiced for materials, equipment, and labor
- All special decorations or signs left in the Facility at the conclusion of an event will be considered refuse. All special decorations or signs that the Licensee wants to save must be removed at the conclusion of the event.
- Any costs incurred by MECA because of the use or removal of these items, will be charged to the Licensee.
- All moveable walls in the Facility will be installed and removed by MECA personnel.
- MECA personnel will operate the marquees. MECA will have final approval of all marquee messages. Any expenses incurred will be invoiced to the Licensee.
Tape / Adhesive Backed Material
- Tape and adhesive-backed materials are not allowed on the Facility’s carpeted surfaces without prior approval by MECA.
- Use of tape on any wall surface, glass, carpet, or equipment is prohibited (including but it not limited to podiums, staging, tables, and chairs).
- If MECA approval is obtained, the Licensee and Licensee’s service contractor(s) are responsible for the removal of all tape and tape residue from any surface area, including but not limited to the exhibit hall floor, wall surfaces, glass and service equipment. If the Licensee fails to remove tape and tape residue, the Licensee shall reimburse MECA for the costs incurred to remove such tape or residue. If residue is unable to be removed, Licensee shall reimburse MECA for any replacement costs of damaged property.
This includes permit holders possessing or carrying lawfully concealed weapons in or around the Facility. Weapons cannot be checked into Security or Guest Services. Unless authorized by law, violation of this prohibition is a criminal offense. The sole exception to this policy is the display of such weapons or objects resembling weapons within an exhibit. In those occasions, MECA’s written approval is required 30 days prior to the event.